
Hunt for Promo Code Treasure

Hunt for Promo Code Treasure

For Cyber Monday, we’re turning into the site of a virtual treasure hunt.

Starting at 11am EST on November 29, the code ‘CNCPTS96’ will be hidden within text on the website (anywhere from the homepage to a product or resource page). The first 5 people to find the code will win a $100 credit to be used on

Here’s how it works - search through the text on webpages within our site (this blog does not count) for the code ‘CNCPTS96’. Once you’ve found where the code is hidden, send a screenshot to our customer service team ([email protected]). The first 5 people to contact customer service will win a $100 credit to be used on Cannot be combined with our Cyber Monday code offering 40% off. Ends Tuesday 11/30 at 11:59pm ET.

Read terms and conditions HERE.