Designed by Finnish fashion designer Sasu Kauppi, the “Join The Team” capsule collection is inspired by Karhu’s mid 80s period, when sportswear featured bright colours and flashy patterns. The collection consists of sneakers, a tracksuit, sweatshirts, T-shirts, caps and socks. Most items feature Karhu’s 80s “Join The Team” slogan in Sasu Kauppi’s signature font.
- Relaxed fit
- Ribbed neck
- Collaborative woven neck label
- Screen-printed collaborative graphic on front
- 100% cotton jersey
- Weight 200 grams
- Made in Turkey
SKU: KA00172-2480
Designed by Finnish fashion designer Sasu Kauppi, the “Join The Team” capsule collection is inspired by Karhu’s mid 80s period, when sportswear featured bright colours and flashy patterns. The collection consists of sneakers, a tracksuit, sweatshirts, T-shirts, caps and socks. Most items feature Karhu’s 80s “Join The Team” slogan in Sasu Kauppi’s signature font.
- Relaxed fit
- Ribbed neck
- Collaborative woven neck label
- Screen-printed collaborative graphic on front
- 100% cotton jersey
- Weight 200 grams
- Made in Turkey
SKU: KA00172-2480
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